The Group's Mission is to grow a high quality global publishing business delivering high value to its contributors, readers and shareholders.
We achieve this Mission through our strategy which is to:
Our overall growth strategy and long-term focus remains to invest in high value intellectual property and digital channels, publish works of excellence and originality, and grow our diversified portfolio of content and services across our Consumer and Non-Consumer Divisions to build quality revenues and increase earnings. Bloomsbury is committed to playing its part in shaping a more sustainable, equitable and inclusive world, and this commitment informs our strategic priorities, as described on pages 16 and 17 of the 2024 Annual Report.
We are committed to ongoing investment in our colleagues and our working environment, including through the provision of development and training opportunities, the implementation of flexible and balanced working, and the promotion of a diverse, inclusive and ethical culture in order to enable individual and collective success and attract new talent.
We continue to invest in new content by acquiring works of originality and excellence from established and emerging authors and partners across a range of genres and from an array of voices in order to enhance our diversified portfolio of intellectual property and build a strong publishing pipeline.
We continue to pursue acquisitions which will support our growth strategy, accelerate our digital offerings, strengthen existing areas of publishing, and enable us to expand into new areas. Since Bloomsbury's inception, we have made 33 acquisitions of publishers and imprints.
We are focused on delivering growth by investing in the development of our existing and most successful digital resource products and accelerating the launch of new products. We continue to invest in audio publishing as this market continues to grow.
Grow Bloomsbury’s portfolio in Non- Consumer publishing
Non-Consumer publishing is characterised by
higher, more predictable margins, is less reliant on retailers and presents
greater digital and global opportunities. Non- Consumer revenues are derived from our Academic & Professional, Educational and Special Interest publishing.
Achieved 2023/2024:
BDR target is to achieve a further 40% organic revenue growth over the five years to 2027/2028, to reach c.£37m turnover
Achieved 2023/2024:
Discover, nurture, champion and retain high-quality authors and illustrators, while looking at new ways to leverage existing title rights
Achieved 2023/2024:
Grow our key authors through effective publishing across all formats alongside strategic sales and marketing
Achieved 2023/2024:
As the originating publisher of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, ensure that new children discover and read it for pleasure every year
Achieved 2023/2024:
Expand international revenues
Continue our international growth and take advantage of the biggest academic market in the USA
Achieved 2023/2024:
Be an attractive employer for all individuals seeking a career in publishing, regardless of background or identity, adding cultural value to our business operations and performance
Focus on targeted initiatives to create an environment that promotes diversity, nurtures talent, stimulates creativity and collaboration, supports wellbeing and is inclusive and respectful of difference
Implement Bloomsbury’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan
Our success is driven by the expertise, passion and commitment of our employees. We understand the importance of attracting, supporting and engaging colleagues wherever they work. We recognise the value of diversity of thought, perspectives and experience in shaping our culture and strategy, driving our long-term success and informing the ways in which we fulfil our social purpose.
Achieved 2023/2024:
Maximise our use of sustainable resources while seeking to reduce carbon emissions in line with our targets
We recognise our responsibility to conserve the Earth’s resources and we are committed to monitoring and improving the environmental impact of
our operations. In 2023/2024 Bloomsbury restated base year emissions across Scope 1, 2 and 3 using current methodology and the use of more granular data in our emissions calculations. We have restated the 2022/2023 and 2019/2020 (base
year) comparatives in our reporting. Restated figures include data for acquired companies ABC-CLIO and Head of Zeus from the base year.
Achieved 2023/2024:
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Trading Update
Interim Results
Annual General Meeting
Trading Update